Vegan Weddings 2008: Kimberly Nevitt & James Pizzirusso

From the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains to the sun-dappled City by the Bay, vegan weddings are becoming the new standard for progressive would-be marrieds.


Kimberly Nevitt & James Pizzirusso
Worcester, Mass.

Guests: 135
Honeymoon: Kauai and Maui
Best wedding gift: “We created our own charity registry and encouraged our guests to donate money to animal-related charities instead of buying us gifts. In particular, we asked guests to donate to Poplar Springs Animal Sanctuary, The Humane Society of the United States, and EarthSave.”

Their story: Since Kimberly and James connected through, it’s only fitting that their common diet and the values it embodies was a primary attraction. “It’s sort of like being of the same religion,” says James. From their first date (dinner at the vegan eatery Sunflower Café, followed by a screening of Super Size Me), veganism played a lead role in the relationship, but it was an incident at The Sweet Thyme Inn, a vegan B&B where they celebrated Kimberly’s birthday, that sealed the deal: James tried to save a bee that was stuck in the room and got stung instead. “We just laughed and laughed and laughed, and it was sort of like ‘yeah—this is going to work,’” says James.

Wedding highlights: At the outdoor ceremony overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains, a friendly squirrel strolled down the aisle after Kimberly and watched the entire ceremony. Perhaps he came for the food, having heard how tirelessly the resort had worked to create the menu for the amazing vegan wedding meal. Even James’ vegan-skeptical parents-Italians who actually snuck Parmesan cheese into the rehearsal dinner-were “blown away” by the menu, says Joseph, father of the groom. About the avocado tempura, Lyn, the mother of the groom, said, “I’ve never tasted anything like that in my life!” At one point in the evening, James and fellow school-spirited UT-Knoxville alumni shared the stage with the live band for a rousing rendition of “Rocky Top.” In lieu of traditional favors, guests received giftwrapped, pink bracelets that represented the couple’s donation to a breast cancer foundation in honor of the breast-cancer survivors, and in loving memory of those who have passed from both families.

The Menu

Lemon risotto balls
Avocado tempura with tomato dipping sauce
Potato cakes with apple chutney
Green salad with avocado-lime vinaigrette
Potato-leek soup

Main Course
Couscous-stuffed portabella mushrooms
Pistachio-crusted tofu over horseradish
Potatoes and wilted spinach

Chocolate, vanilla-orange, and almond cakes with vanilla icing

For a complete list of bakeries from each of this year’s wedding couples, visit our 2008 Guide to Vegan Bakeries. Want more vegan weddings? Purchase our special wedding issue featuring Kimberly and James’ vegan wedding! Check out all of our 2008 vegan wedding couples here, 2019 couples here, 2018 couples here, 2017 couples here, our 2016 couples here, our 2014 couples here, our 2012 couples here, 2011 couples here, 2010 couples here, and 2009 couples here


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