Indian Officials Announce a Ban on Dolphin Shows
The nation has decided to prohibit dolphin performances, citing cruelty as the main reason for the ban.
January 13, 2013
The New York Times reports that the Animal Welfare Board of India has recently announced that it will block any proposals for dolphin-themed parks. The AWBI cites dolphins in captivity as violating the country’s 1960 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. With a rise in India’s middle-class population, several businesses are hoping to capitalize on animal-entertainment theme parks, specifically featuring dolphins. S. Chinny Krishna, AWBI’s vice-chairman, tells the NYT, “All types of studies have shown that these animals, after capture, are under a very high level of stress. A wild animal belongs in the wild.” In addition, the board has reiterated to state governments and wildlife wardens that the capture and transport of dolphins, porpoises, and whales is illegal.
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