New luxury vegan handbag the WEEK/END recently launched on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo and successfully met its fundraising goal in under two hours. Created by the founders of vegan accessories brand Frida Rome, the compact crossbody handbag comes in midnight black with gold stud detail and has an exterior made from cactus leather from Mexican startup Desserto—the first organic leather made entirely from the nopal (or prickly-pear) cactus—and Italian vegan eco-suede lining. “When we came across cactus leather, we couldn’t believe how good the texture and appearance were,” Frida Rome co-founder Rebecca Joy said. “When we realized it has a far lower impact on the environment as well, we were completely sold.”

The unique feature of the handbag is that it packs flat into a custom-made dust bag to make storing it easier. Handmade by artisans in Manchester, England, the WEEK/END raised £33,139 (US $45,000), far above its initial goal of £10,000 (US $14,000) by the time its campaign ended. Frida Rome’s first release of the WEEK/END is expected to begin in February 2021. Customers can now purchase the WEEK/END handbag through the brand’s website. The handbag is currently priced at £185 (US $240) with worldwide shipping.

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